On the trip home, I was fighting some wind & it was raining. Got 7.5 mpg at 70 mph.
Also, I got the "CHECK TRAILER WIRING" message in the EVIC a few times. Appears my RV is the culprit.
Temperatures were all pretty much the same when I was towing as they are when I don't have the RV hitched up. The added load only increased the engine oil temp, and that was only by a few degrees when the trans decided to hang in 4th at 2800 RPM. I let it do it's thing and didn't bother to try to coax it into 5th due to the headwind. After I went over a large overpass (the highway went up and over a set of train tracks), on the way down the other side, it dropped into 5th, but at some point after that it downshifted back to 4th. I didn't notice the shift until I looked down at the tachometer a while later.
Climbing out of the valley was a good test. The campground road is paved, but steep. It has to be a 10 to 15% grade. There is an intersection with a stop sign at the bottom, so I entered at a 90* angle from a dead stop. The speed limit on the little road is only 30 mph, so I didn't push it, but I could have easily gained more speed than I did.
Don't know if this will work or not, but if it does, here's a link to the google "street view" of the climb out of the campground area...