Greeno, TxGearhead,K Mac. I'm loving all the great suggestions. And good luck wishes. I'm not the only one to benefit from all the great suggestions based off what folks have learned. Those who read this thread in the future may be helped as well. I have my trade in loaded on the new truck for the first time. It's a 2004 S&S 8.5 Ponderosa. I have 3/8 rubber bed mat and made a four foot extension with male & female 7-pin, 7-wire for the old camper plug to reach the rear plug in. Test drove it yesterday and had clearance issues with the truck cab clearance lights making occasional minimal contact under the camper cab over. I'll jack the camper up and slide three 8 ft. 2x6 underneath and set it back down. That should give me the clearance I will need to transport to Portland Apache Dealer when I get word our new camper has arrived. The end of the month can not come soon enough. We are beginning to get excited!