ShinerBock wrote:
2001400ex wrote:
ShinerBock wrote:
2001400ex wrote:
ShinerBock wrote:
2001400ex wrote:
That being said, there's billions of dollars going into stifling research. The oil companies, instead of being on the leading edge of it, are trying to fight it as oil is more profitable now.
This actually not true. If it wasn't for Exxon and other oil companies investing in solar power research in the 60's and 70's, then we would be decades behind what we are today. Exxon is also has purchase agreements with Lincoln Clean Energy LLC.
Other oil companies have made similar investments in renewable energy as well such as converting carbon in the air to fuel(Carbon Engineering). This technology actually has the ability to reverse the amount of carbon in the air. If everyone converted to BEV's, then the funding of this research to actually reverse our carbon footprint will dry up.
I'm aware they make token investment into renewable energy. They also spend a lot of money lobbying to ensure their profits from oil are available. When they could use that money to invest in renewables as well.
Tesla and almost every other major company out there spend millions to lobby lawmakers to better their profitability even at the detriment of taxpayers so there is nothing new here. It seems biases are making it hard to get past a double standard.
Also, companies are suppose to be profitable and invest in what makes them profitable. If they don't, then their shares don't do grow. Many people's 401k retirements and IRA's are invested in those company shares and if they don't do well then their retirements do not either.
You are making my point. Before the EPA and all that, we had Rivers catching on fire and expanding smog issues. If we purely relied on corporations to do what they want, one day we'll be out of oil and they'd just throw their hands up.
We have had river contamination(Animas River) and added pollution in the air all because of the EPA politics too. Not saying that everything that the EPA(Which was created by Republican Richard Nixon) does everything wrong, I am just saying they don't do every right. There is a lot of internal politics and corruption in the EPA, and they have been shown to purposely do more harm than good to protect their interest and power.
It's obvious you've never spent time in a mostly unregulated environment like India or China. While the EPA is not perfect. I enjoy my clean air and water. No trash on the streets, etc.