Thanks everyone! I just got done with a locksmith who was excellent. The locks have a little tab that is supposed to close whenever you aren't using it. In my case the keyhole that was broke doesn't close, it kinda sits cockeyed and I have noticed this many times before. Well after enough time like that a bunch of dirt and junk accumulates in there. The locksmith was sure something was stuck in the keyhole and sure enough ended up being just a bunch of dirt and dust. He had to take it apart from the inside and was able to blow out whatever******got stuck in there and now it's back to working. Needless to say I'll be replacing the unit as this will likely happen again in time.
I was also able to research a bit on this recall from FIC. I think it pertains to some locks made prior to 2007 but I'll investigate further and see if mine is part of it. Thanks again for eveyone's help and make sure you check your keyholes :)