Many of these responses are still referring to redistributing just the tongue weight. I get how that works, that is what a WD hitch is designed for and all the documentation describes.
My question is what happens when you distribute MORE than the tongue weight without going over the limit of any of your components? I am looking to redistribute (at least) the weight of the truss/hitch to get my handling back to what it was without the trailer/truss/hitch attached. If I can also save some TC weight off my rear axle, that would not be a bad thing. Seems as I have plenty of room to transfer another 300 lbs and still only be at half of what TL recommends.
Was looking more at the concept, but to put real #s to it...
5500# cargo capacity for the truck, not sure of the distribution per axle, but for arguments sake, lets say I am not close to the limits of any of the components.
5000# of cargo(including myself/wife/dogs)
200# 48" TL truss and wd hitch, 1200# limit on supertruss.
2000# cargo in dual axle cargo trailer, capacity of 4000#
250# tongue weight
If I use the above #s and transfer 500# from the rear axle (300 to front axle and 200 to trailer???)with the wd hitch, rather than 'just' the 250# tongue weight, it should be an overall improvement....agreed?