Forum Discussion

K-9_HANDLER's avatar
May 28, 2017

Readying TT for 11th season

Been fortunate with this rig for past 11 years. Never had so much as a flat tire. Same tow vehicle for all that time as well. Nice to have no monthly payments paid under 16k out the door at the time for TT. Everyone has their own process of getting ready for the season.Here's some my own checklist items aside for the usual things like flushing the lines.
1. Take apart and clean the fridge igniter along with cleaning
the burner tube. As the camper gets older it seems that id get
a non ignition problem mid season. With the cleaning
preseason no problems. Never have had to touch the water
heater ignition go
2. Lube slide out actuator and arms with dry silicone spray. My
unit spends a good time in salt air.
3. Infalte my tires to 60 psi (load range D) I store them at 50
over winter while parked on rubber mats. Tires always covered
from sun.
4. Check roof sealant. Fix as needed
5. lube tongue jack, mine is manual and it helps
6. jack up trailer and adjust brakes, bearings werent due repack this year
  • I seems ours never sat for very long. I put it away in November and sure enough my granddaughter had a project in FL in January. Brought it back and re-winterized it and we had a trip on to KY in March. I took a chance on the weather and we were out in April. Now it is almost June and we are gearing up for the summer.

    This year the mice did not even have time to nest. :)
  • we have an older paid off tt as well

    we considered a new one, but between depreciation and many issues with new trailers, we're keeping the old one. I can fix stuff way cheaper than payments on a new one. this year, its a new awning and a new battery

    plus of course all the annual stuff, check brakes, bearings, tyres, electrical stuff. fire up all of the appliances, go camping!!