owenssailor wrote:
theoldwizard1 wrote:
Jebby14 wrote:
Hi all. This weekend is the first trip with our new to us camper. Last was used primarily as a tent on wheels when we had no hydro.
To clarify for those who do not speak "Canadian", "hydro" means AC power ! The vast majority of the population of Canada get their power from Niagara Falls, hence "hydro". Most of the folks in Western Canada still use the term, but they are NOT getting their power from Niagara Falls !
I'd like to clarify a bit. Canada is a big country. The term hydro meaning electricity started in Ontario when the Hydro Electric Commission of Ontario first started providing electricity to the province . Most was from hydro-electric plants with the ones at Niagara being the largest.
Today 60% of the electricity for Ontario is from Nuclear generating stations. We have no coal or oil fired plants left. Niagara still matters but it is not the major generator by any means.
The rest of the country uses varying means. Quebec - water powered. The prairies still on oil and coal. And so on.
BC gets the bulk of it's power from Hydro, but not Niagra Falls :)