To be honest, if you are looking at a rear locker, you shouldn't be looking at 2wd vehicles. But I do understand the dilemma that there are hardly any RVs which with dual rear wheels which are 4wd.
A locker like the detroit is supposed to unlock when turning and lock when you need. They have a reputation of putting people sideways but i think you are okay if you just drive like a sane person should.
The detroit will unlock on turns but only if you don't have power applied. I had a Jeep Scrambler built up on 35s with detroits front and rear. Never had a problem with it putting me sideways but maybe because I didn't have a large powerful engine.
The Eaton True-Trac was my backup choice and a close runner up to the detroit. The best way to think about it is as a torque multiplier. If one wheel is in the air without any traction requiring zero torque to turn it, there will be zero torque applied to the wheel with traction. If one wheel is in slippery conditions and requires 500 ft-lbs to turn it, the other wheel will have 2,500 ft-lbs of torque applied. You can fake the true-trac out by apply the brake to generate required increase of required torque. This assumes a 2.5 multiplication factor which is about what the True-Trac is rated. The nice thing about the true-trac is unless wheel slip occurs, the power is evenly divided to the two wheels so it goes completely unnoticed until needed.