Forum Discussion

falconbrother's avatar
Explorer II
Dec 02, 2018

Regretting a turn?

You ever turn onto a street or into a parking lot and figure out you made a mistake?

We were coming home from the beach recently my wife said she needed a bathroom break. I know that means immediately if not sooner. I knew there was a McDonalds coming up but, I also knew I'd never get into and out of that parking lot. So, as we approached I noticed a little street running behind the McDonalds with a carwash next door. There was a semi-truck parked in the carwash so, I pulled in there thinking that I would just exit on the other side of the lot on the main road. When we were ready to leave I pulled up to the main road and there was no way I was getting over that curbed exit. It was too much of a bump there and I would bottom out. So I had to back about 100 yards then back the camper into the McDonalds lot to get back out onto the main drag. Of course the McDonalds lot was crowded. It all worked out even though I don't consider myself a great backer, Suburban with 30 feet of RV. I guess we do what we have to do when the pressure is on.

I can tell you it's still better than driving a motorhome with a 4 down toad. No backin with that setup.
  • This guy made that mistake. He sort of had the room to correct his mistake but not the skills.

    I'm really careful about where I turn in my motorhome. The worst spot to maneuver the thing is my own driveway. Makes everything else seem like a piece of cake.
  • I've made a few turns I regretted because I listened to my GPS and not my common sense.
  • When my wife needs the restroom right now, I unlock the door to the trailer and the crisis is averted. That was the motivation for buying our RV after my wife had a stroke at 42. the RV gave her the confidence to travel again because she knew that if she needed the bathroom, it was right in the back. Funny thing, the 8 years that we had that RV, neither of us ever used the bathroom in it. It was a Toyota RV with a tiny bathroom. We bought a TT with a dry bath so that we could travel with more convenience and now the bathroom does get used.
  • IB853347201 wrote:
    if you were driving a Motorhome you wouldn't have needed to stop in the first place for your wife to use the rest room....
    Well, you've got a point there! Come to think of it, why didn't she use the TT bathroom?
  • "I can tell you it's still better than driving a motorhome with a 4 down toad. No backin with that setup."

    Yeah but if you were driving a Motorhome you wouldn't have needed to stop in the first place for your wife to use the rest room....
  • Oh yeah.. it's been awhile since I've learned to stay the heck away from any kind of populated urban area where there's usually only room for small cars. The last one I can remember was entering a campground with low-hanging tree branches and having to back out of that. Not fun. I hate when that happens.

    Glad you got out of it.. the key is to stay cool and never feel pressured or in a hurry. Yes, having a toad would make it much worse.