FYI on alternators
DO NOT jump start another vehicle (bad battery) while your (good battery) engine is running
The bad battery/starter will draw +hundreds of amps (inrush) from the highest voltage source...your good battery vehicle's alternator system
That will punch holes in your alternator's semiconductors (diodes and transistors), in both alternator and regulator. Most don't die instantly...just die slowly over time. Symptoms like unable to charge the battery fully, low & spike voltage and other electrical gremlins
Best to hook up both vehicles while they are not running. Then start the good battery vehicle and let it charge the bad battery for 10-15 or minutes. Turn off the good battery vehicle and leave both hooked up. Then start the bad battery vehicle. Remove the cables
NAPA used to be my to after all the local mom'n pop auto supply closed or bought up by national chains (then managed by pure bean counters...bottom line folks who did not manage their product). Read that NAPA changed hands about that time frame
Moog a ditto. Used to be my go to for front end components (HD). Read that they too were taken over by bean counter management (corporation)
Rant on...
This article sums up my bean counter rants in one page that used to take Angus MacKenize is one of my fav automotive editors. Written about 13 years ago, but continues to be spot on. can be said for most things in today's world...see it all the time when someone(s) start a business with GREAT product/services. Grows into local chain/franchise...get bought out by huge corporation, who plug in their management...most times pure bean counter/wall street types who only manage their bottom line and EPS