Grit dog wrote:
time2roll wrote:
The warranty is good for MY life or the life of O'Reilly. Whatever comes first.
Great. But until Oreilly comes out and delivers and installs a new (whatever part) when I'm in the side of the road at 2am 75 miles from a town, replacing a prematurely failed _____, I'm not real horny about cheap reman parts.
The item was sold to me as a fully new (not rebuilt, not remanufactured part). I simply asked for the best alternator they have and paid the price.
My point was lost. The idea is to simply buy new and avoid reman parts.
Reminds me back when I turned wrenches to pay the rent... installed a water pump for a customer and it immediately leaked. Turns out the back plate was corroded so bad it had a small hole in it that covered up nicely with new paint. Never bought or installed a reman part since.
As far as coming out at 2am... I try to be sleeping at that hour. Besides when the oem did fail at 190k it was about noon and midweek. I begged three shops to do the work including the dealer but no dice. Easy money and non wanted it. They all said they were busy and maybe get it done the next day. NOBODY is coming out to fix your vehicle let alone do warranty work so you will have to get over that. O'Reilly had the part and a small tool kit and gave my battery a free recharge while I did the swap in their parking lot. O'Reilly was really good about it.