"I respectfully disagree with that comment. In fact; a 120v TV is designed to sit in a living room, not bouncing down the road in an RV. A 12 volt TV is foremost designed to work in a mobile application."
Sounds good in theory.
But then you look at how many poor reviews these TVs get on Amazon by REAL USERS and theory gives way to reality. Most of em are just Chinese junk; yes, even the one name anyone has heard of, Jensen. The Naxas and the Skyworths have all kinds of problems, especially with the built in DVD players.
And you really have to go with a built in DVD player if you are going to resist using an inverter. And therein lies another problem; you have to use the cheap DVD internal player in the TV. With an inverter, you can also use a DVD player from a reputable company. Or even bring your DVD player from home.
If you insist on getting a 12v TV with the built in DVD player MAKE DARN SURE IT IS A DVD PLAYER THAT CAN BE REMOVED FOR REPAIR! With some, it's very difficult to remove. With others, it is an integral part and cannot be removed. And they WILL fail.