dadwolf2 wrote:
The 245/70R-19.5 is where you get a significant jump in load capacity and plenty for my needs.
Yes, 'plenty for my needs.' I have to keep reminding myself, this isn't a beauty contest, it's about increasing a safety margin. I'm at that limit with my current tires with 3750 pounds per tire. (My axle last weighed in at 7200lbs)
This is my primary concern. I do not want to have a tire failure, least of all in the middle of nowhere and a long way from home. Nothing guarantees that, but I can't ignore the possibility once I've become aware of it.
dadwolf2 wrote:
I didn't want to affect my gear ratio any more. I didn't need any more load capacity and the 9.5" width is enough.
All excellent points that I can relate to. I also have the manual tranny. Right now, I can, with my 32.76" diameter Nitto tires, climb any of my grades locally without needing to down shift out of 6th. That's climbing 5,000' in elevation over 50 miles and grades with signage stating 8% grades and maintaining 55mph or better towing my small boat trailer.
Have you noticed any fuel mileage changes using these tires? Just wondering if there's either more or less rolling resistance, gearing changes or aerodynamics that either help or hurt the fuel economy.
Also, I rarely drive over 55mph even without a trailer. I 'FEEL' safer at that speed. (A blowout at 55 is gonna be different than 65mph) I'm wondering if your comfort level is improved with the upgrade in your tires and wheels?
bka0721 wrote:
You should be looking at increasing the safety margin for your truck and dependability of the tires carrying the weight. Not for allowing you more carrying capacity for getting more in the back of your truck.
Indeed. An excellent point. One reason I didn't 'upgrade' to 19.5" wheels prior was because I wasn't convinced they would provide me any more practical safety margin. (like the difference between 245 and 265 in 19.5" tires, the 'headroom' is sufficient with the 245 so why bother?) That was when I first was setting up my truck with my camper. I've added the BigWig sway bar, Hellwig overload springs, air bags and quality shocks along with the Hummer H2 Forged Aluminum chrome rims with the Nitto 3750 pound-rated-tires.
But now that I am set up, complete, nothing else to add, I see I'm near the limits of the tires. And with zero way to increase my safety margin with those other than going to a commercial product, I'm either gonna have to bite the bullet or keep trusting that Nitto over engineered their tires and under rated them. If it was JUST me, no worries. However, taking a risk with others; wife, grandkids, etc. I just can't ignore what I've come to realize. Damn my large brain!! Ha!
bka0721 wrote:
I went to a 245/19.5 and got the safety margin I needed. 265 would have fit nicely, but that would be just that much more over the OEM specs for my truck.
Agree. Plus; price. There's a significant increase in price between the 245 and 265 in the 19.5" tires. Not so much between 265 and 285 though I noticed. I like the look/profile of the taller and wider tires on my truck, but not THAT much! I'm convinced the 245's will be plenty of safety margin, look good in a commercial/utility/industrial sort of way, and stay within sensibility of the price-to-value ratio.
I do want to point out something about my Nitto tires. I stated they are 285/70R17 tires. 3750 pound load capacity at 80psi. I want to add;
I've had them on now for almost 20,000 miles and 30 months. They originally had 16.5/32nds tread depth. They are now at 13/32nds. Keeping a 2/32nds minimum tread depth before calling them too worn, I can extrapolate out that I will get 80,000 miles minimum out of these tires. I find that amazing! I've gotten 20,000 from 3/32nds tread wear so far. Bear in mind; I rarely drive this truck without the camper. At least 95% of the miles are with camper.
How will that compare with the wear of 19.5" tires, on average say?
Thanks again for the input. You guys are great!
BTW, here are some photos of my truck and wheels;
First, my truck with the H2 wheels and the BFG All Terrain tires 315's (35" tall) They worked with only a 2" spacer lift on the front end and a front end alignment.

Here is my truck with the same wheels but with the 285 Nitto tires at 33" tall.