There is no absolute space between the cab over and the truck cab. There are some clues though. The longer the frame of the truck, the more twist can be present and the more clearance is needed. So, a short bed truck seems to twist less and thusly need less clearance. It may only be my experience, but I've noticed the Ford frames (especially older ones) twist more than Chevy or Dodge frames of more-or-less the same length.
I think my short bed Dodge/Lance Lite has about a 5" minimum clearance at the tightest place, at rest. I believe this is an average number. Another clue for me was the loosening of the rear tie-downs while off-roading, which makes the the camper frame follow the front of the truck frame and bed allowing less differential between the rocking camper and the truck cab. I use a thin, 3/8" rubber bed mat and that's all. The TC has never come into contact with the cab.
regards, as always, jefe