If my experience with rubber roof manufacturer's warranty is typical, don't hold your breath. My rubber roof membrane, Alpha Systems, was failing after 5.5 years service. Water was leaking through the membrane, this was not a caulking failure. And yes it was inspected, etc. by my dealer every six months as required for the warranty so I did have proof of service.
I contacted the manufacturer of the rubber roof and they never ever asked about required maintenance by me during the life of this roof. After seeing the pictures of the material, they offered $225.00 total compensation for the new roof and only then if I used their material for the replacement. I don't believe the rubber roof warranty is worth the cost of the ink it takes to print it on an RV brochure.
My solution was
This. 15 months later this was the right decision. I will NEVER own another rubber roof longer than it takes to have it sprayed by this company, even a brand new rig.