My roofs have lasted well in AZ I do nothing to them except inspect repair the caulk as needed. I DO NOT wash them.
Washing is not necessary. The manufacturer of the material is Carlise. They make it for the commercial building market, and state that washing isn't needed on their website. They also supply it to Dicor, who slaps their brand name on it. Years ago Dicor frowned on roof washing, treatments etc. It was on their list of FAQ.
But people kept wanting to do it, so Dicor saw a business opportunity and now make products that they push.
Washing is popular back east because of mold and black streaks, which is purely a cosmetic issue.
In AZ, we don't have this issue. Our Sunshine is the biggest problem.
The roof material is designed to chalk as it ages. This chalk layer is the best sunscreen there is. Washing the roof will remove the chalk layer exposing virgin material. Treating it with some spray on treatment is vastly inferior. So washing and treating in AZ is the worst possible thing to do to your roof.