rockhillmanor wrote:
From a person who has had both in my wells in my homes.
Sulfur water smells like rotten eggs. It is extremely 'soft' water.
Iron water is 'hard' water and creates iron/rust stains.
Soo, if you have sulfur water adding a water softener does nothing and does not remove the smell. Iron water CAN be treated by a water softener.
For residential the treatment system for sulfur water to remove all the smells costs around $3,000.
The treatment for Iron water? Hey! Culligan Man! :C
Those water treatment companies must really like you!
I just use salt with iron remover in my $200 softener and no more iron or rotten egg smell. I also replaced the magnesium anode in the water heater with an aluminum/zinc one to prevent the hydrogen sulfide buildup(rotten egg smell).