Forum Discussion

plasticmaster's avatar
May 28, 2015

Rubber roof life expectancy

How long should I expect a rubber roof to last on a new travel trailer that is stored out in full sun with no cover if all of the seams, vent pipes, etc. are maintained properly? I live in Columbia, SC. We have hot summers and mild winters where we only get snow once every 2 or 3 years. We have high humidity also.
  • MNRon wrote:
    Manufacturers say 20yrs if properly maintained.
    That's what I hear as well. Like another poster said it depends on where you live. If stored inside out of the sun when not in use it would take several decade's.
  • I think it really depends on where you live. Sun and extreme heat take a toll on it. Around here if properly maintained (that means ignored) they will easily last 30+ years.
    FWIW, there's no need to clean it other than aesthetics. Cleaning only shortens its life by removing a tiny amount of the white protective cover. If it's not visible then I would leave it alone.
  • I live in Blythewood and have a 15 year old MH and the roof is still in good condition. I am the third owner and can only speak for the past 5 years. Stored outside all the time. I wash the roof twice a year but spray off the roof more frequently to remove pine straw, cones, bark. I just had built a carport big enough for the MH (30 ft) and my two cars. The sun will do more damage to the sealants and plastic housings than it will the roof itself. Check the sealants and reseal as needed and use Aerospace 303 (UV protectant)on the plastic vents and covers.