Forum Discussion

turbo-power's avatar
Jul 27, 2014

Rubber roof repair ???

I am trying to repair a area in the rubber roof on a 2013 Jayco Jayflight and am having problems with the patch staying stuck . I have watched the Dicor tutorial online and have followed their directions but have been unsuccessful two times. I am using Dicor patch material 6in wide , Dicor rubber roof cleaner, denatured alcohol for final cleaning, Dicor lap sealant.
Each time I put the patch on and I take a roller and press it down all seems well then I put the lap sealant on and the edges wrinkle causing gaps and not sealing good.

Is there another way to do this?

Could I just cover the affected area with sealant ? and not use the patch?

Thanks for any tips.
  • I called and spoke with the dealer this morning and ended up taking the trailer to them this afternoon so they can check it out.
  • The type of roof on my trailer is an Alpha systems Alpha ply membrane. After reading some other threads the Dicor sealant might not be compatible with the Alpha membranes. I will check with the dealer tomorrow to make sure .
  • According to the online tutorial by Dicor that is their recommendation to place the lap sealant around the edges.
  • I have always sealed my Eternabond edges with Dicor lap sealant and all was well. I can't imagine why Dicor patch and Dicor sealant would react the way it did.
  • I'd be guessing that the lap sealant is reacting with the adhesive on the patch material. Is there some special reason you are putting sealant on the edges of the patch, is that a Dicor recommended procedure?