the_c's wrote:
When I unplugged it, It showed a full charge on the inside monitor panel, and I even checked it with my volt meter and got 12.4 volts(after it was unplugged). I got 13.9 volts when it was plugged into the house, so I'm guessing it's being charged. Less than four hours later, the battery is almost dead. There was nothing on or running inside the camper. The voltage reading when I checked the battery was a little over 10 volts.
Camping world is feeding you a line.
13.9 volts sounds a bit low for being on the charger, I would think it should be in the 14's. But even assuming that 13.9 is normal for the charger, you battery is not normal.
12.4 volts is a battery at only 50% charge. A fully charged battery will read 12.67 - 12.75volts. So your battery is not accepting a full charge. To add more to the case for a bad battery,
Your 12 volt battery has 6 cells of 2 volts each in series which equals 12 volts. If you are reading 10 volts at all in your battery you have a dead cell.
I've unfortunately been down this path many times in my frugal life and I can tell you that your battery is dead and needs to be replaced. A battery with a dead cell on the charger may ramp up into the 12v range. But it will drop to the 10 volt range within hours when taken off the charger.
Here's your easy test. Plug the trailer in and let the battery charge for a few days, heck let it charge until Friday. Then unplug the shore power cable and disconnect the negative cable from the battery so it is isolated from the trailer.
With a multimeter record the voltage charge at the battery immediately after you disconnect, you should see around 13.9 volts as this is a surface charge.
After a few hours take another voltage reading, it should be around 12.6x volts. If it's lower you have a suspect battery.
Let the battery sit disconnected overnight and check it sometime the next day. The voltage should be the same as the few hours check above (12.6x volts) if it is significantly lower 12.5 or lower you have a bad battery. My guess is that within a night or two the battery will drop to 10 volts as it has a dead cell.
Have Camping world or the dealer charge and test the battery. When they call you up and say it is fine, ask them if they will let it sit off the charger and disconnected and check it again in the morning. I'll bet it reads dead when they do so. Batteries have a warranty and your dealer should be replacing this one, but if they wont you might have to just bite the bullet and spend the $100 to replace it.