Forum Discussion

2008FX4's avatar
Jan 26, 2013

RV Door Cracked

I went out to the RV today and this is what I found. It seems one of the main doors has cracked.. The other door up at the front is fine but the one in the back is not. Here's a pic. What could of made this happen? And should I worry about fixing it if its not under warranty..

  • I found a email address for two Warranty people and a Product Mgr for Forest River. I sent them a email with the picture seeing what they think.
  • Really odd on the inside of the trailler what year? How are the walls in the TT and can you take a picture of the outside ODD ONE
  • This looks to be the interior skin of the door... Seems it has developed some stress cracks. One possibility would be water got into the door and the temps got below freezing?? Not sure that is a possibility where you are though. I have never seen anything like this before.

    Another topic with what sounds like the same issue.
  • vehicle warranty or not I would say that is a factory defect and I would pursue the RV and the door mfg.’s. about the problem… often the door mfg. will cover a problem that the vehicle warranty will not…