Forum Discussion

patkvm's avatar
Aug 20, 2013

RV Wiring

Good day all,

I have a quick question that I think I know the answer too. I need to put a refer cooling fan behind my refer, I have no 12 volt source behind the unit so I need to know if it would be safe to run the wires directly to the battery with an in-line fuse to the fan. I just want to make sure that I will not be putting a strain on the charger.

The fan pulls less then 1 amp, it is more in the range of .50 amps.

Thank you in advance for your help.
  • patkvm, I looked on the internet at the same trailer you have. I see that your refer is under the counter top. I think you'll be OK running a wire directly from the refer to the battery. Like was said before make sure you have an inline fuse in the wire.
  • elivi8 wrote:
    Why don't you use the Camco solar powered fan vent? Then all the wires are local.


    This setup will not work on the 185RB as the refer has no top vent, which is the whole problem.
  • Why don't you use the Camco solar powered fan vent? Then all the wires are local.

  • Dometics have 12 volts behind the fridge for the controls & I would suspect Norcold would too. If you run a line from battery just remember to put the fuse near the battery. :)
  • I will look again but the refer is a Norcold N300 that is 120v and LP. The only wires that are behind it is 120 and it is clearly labeled. there is a nice wire block on the back of the Refer that has 12v terminals but they are empty and dead. There is a chase that the propane hose is in coming through the floor so I wanted to run the wires in there and back to the battery. The trailer is a Jayco Swift SLX 185RB so it is not the top of the line trailer.
  • Unless this is an old friedge with a pilot light, 2 way fridge needs 12 volts to both operate the gas valve and the igniter along with the inside light and controls etc.
  • My two way fridge has 12 volts - that's what operates the circuit board and maybe even gas solenoid.
  • .

    My 2006 Jayco has 12V power behind its fridge. If I remember correctly, its the thick 12V RED wire. I found this wire and traced to its circuit board. It has "+" beside its plug in. I then confirmed ALWAYS LIVE 12V "+" power using 12V probe tester. For my computer fan, I simply connected to this red wire - using inline fuse and manual off/on switch.
  • I would have thought that there be 12 volts behind the unit but in Jayco's infinite wisdom they only put a 2 way refer in the trailer. So instead of pulling out the refer I thought that I would just run the lead about 3 feet to the battery.
  • You will be just fine hooking to the battery.

    However you probably have 12volts going to the refer control board in back there.
    I doubt an extra .5amp would cause any problems. That line is probably fed from one of your 12 fuses in your power distribution panel.