Nov 09, 2013Explorer
Should I buy a new TV or not?
I'll start by saying, I KNOW that a new TV will be an improvement. Maybe even a really large improvement. However, I always choose to be frugal over spending money needlessly.
The feedback I'm looking for here is mostly, do I have a need? or, am I bit by the bug?
My current TV (in signature) is about as weak a half ton as you can find. 280hp/280tq. My trailer (has been weighed) is at 4000lbs loaded.
We live right at the Appalachian Mtns, so we're always in the hills, and pull a 6-7% grade for a few miles at the beginning of most trips. Our current truck does the job around here. Yes, it is in second gear at 40mph going up the steeper grades, but it does it. And, it doesn't bother me to be geared down for a few miles at a time.
For local towing, I don't mind the current setup. However, we have a 6 week trip to the four corners area of the southwest this coming summer. We've never been out west, and don't know what sorts of grades we might get into. I know that we'll climb much higher elevations.
Here's a map of the loop we're taking. In a nutshell, Grand Canyon, Bryce, Zion, Mesa Verde, Durango, Colorado Springs.

For those of you that have traveled this area as well as Appalachia, am I making a mistake to try this trip with my current truck? I certainly don't want to get out there with my wife and kids and blow up the truck! It has low mileage (95,000) and has never had mechanical issue. I don't mind the stress of being at my towing limits, but will the truck? 7% for 10 minutes is one thing, but will I be seeing 7% for hours at a time?
The feedback I'm looking for here is mostly, do I have a need? or, am I bit by the bug?
My current TV (in signature) is about as weak a half ton as you can find. 280hp/280tq. My trailer (has been weighed) is at 4000lbs loaded.
We live right at the Appalachian Mtns, so we're always in the hills, and pull a 6-7% grade for a few miles at the beginning of most trips. Our current truck does the job around here. Yes, it is in second gear at 40mph going up the steeper grades, but it does it. And, it doesn't bother me to be geared down for a few miles at a time.
For local towing, I don't mind the current setup. However, we have a 6 week trip to the four corners area of the southwest this coming summer. We've never been out west, and don't know what sorts of grades we might get into. I know that we'll climb much higher elevations.
Here's a map of the loop we're taking. In a nutshell, Grand Canyon, Bryce, Zion, Mesa Verde, Durango, Colorado Springs.

For those of you that have traveled this area as well as Appalachia, am I making a mistake to try this trip with my current truck? I certainly don't want to get out there with my wife and kids and blow up the truck! It has low mileage (95,000) and has never had mechanical issue. I don't mind the stress of being at my towing limits, but will the truck? 7% for 10 minutes is one thing, but will I be seeing 7% for hours at a time?