tonymull wrote:
Your honda will not bother most folks. If I crank mine up, which is rare, and walk around the truck I can hardly hear it. With solar in the NW you just need to overkill compared to what you'd need in AZ or TX for example, to get the same amps. Using a portable solar setup will let you place them where the light is best and they fold down to a reasonable size.
One would think that but we were camped last summer at a WA state campground and ran the eu2000i on eco mode for about 45 minutes to cool off the camper (it was about 4pm). When we shut it off some lady made the comment "Thank God" from some 50 to 100 yards away. (I told my wife I should crank it back up on full mode :D )
I try to be quiet and considerate, but didn't think running a Honda 2000 at 4pm for a few minutes when the other camper's kids were running around yelling at 140dB would be that big of a deal.