Forum Discussion

sac89's avatar
May 17, 2016

Slide Maintenance

I am still relatively new to the industry, but here is my current situation, any advise is definitely welcome.

I have a 2015 Coachman Freedom Express, used it every weekend last year, no problems at all. Love it! This spring, i put the slide out, and it starts to catch midway out on one side only. It still goes out and comes in, just with the hiccup in the middle of one side.

I take it to the dealer, they say it is probably an actuator on one side, happens all the time. We will fix you right up. Several days later, they call and say they are still diagnosing, oh by the way, we have X number of hours into it already, and we charge $Y for the time, and we are still troubleshooting. Really? The warranty expired this past October and we did nothing to the slide other than normal operations.

I am frustrated with the situation, I am almost $1000 into diagnosis status only. Any thoughts or advise on how to approach the dealership regarding the lack of fixing the issue yet? My wife is refusing to pay anything outrageous for this, we may just sell it back to the dealer or put it on consignment. I can't afford to take out a loan to pay for mx on the thing...
  • X100
    There is not a lot of technology in slides...$1000 to diagnose and still no answer? Rediculous....
  • Seems kind of foolish if you ask me. Slides have motors and tracks with teeth for lack of a better word. From what you describe it sounds like there may be a missing tooth or the gear in the slide motor is broken or slipping. Sounds like the dealer is taking you for a ride. If at all possible I would pick it up and take it somewhere else, if that's an option. I wouldn't pay them anything, they are the professionals. If this happens all the time then they should be pretty fast at diagnosing the issue and fixing it. Have you asked them for a break down or what they have done? Can you manually crank out the slide without any hiccups? Best of luck and Sorry about your situation.
  • I would agree with mcrosa. As for the extended warranty, we purchased the Good Sam RV extended warranty and although we've had it for 2 years now, we've not had to use it and you pick and choose which package or packages you want for coverage, yes, slides and slide mechanisms are covered. For work, you have to contact GS first to approve it, but not a big deal in my opinion. We had a slide in a different trailer, that would not come out on one side, but it turned out to be a sheared pin that my husband fixed himself. As for maintenance, we regularly check the gear tracks underneath and treat them with slide out room lubricant. So far, we've been good and we have three slides, all hydraulic. So if anything went wrong, the extended warranty would cover it. Seems that even a local RV repair service that comes to your site, could diagnose this. Best of luck and keep us posted as to the result.
  • I am new to RV myself. In fact I am still looking for one. But I would be very upset at a dealer who cannot diagnose a problem in a reasonable time. After all thats what they do. A $1,000 bill for trying to figure out what is wrong. I would go talk to these people and let them know you are upset at how they are treating you.

    You take your car to a dealer and they give you an estimate up front or if it exceeds the time they thought they call you and see what you want to do. To take your vehicle in and they have a free ride to bill unlimited amounts seems to smack of unlimited fraud.

    Course that is just my opinion.

  • I may be purchasing external extended warranty, any advise on those?