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sarahbyu1's avatar
Apr 16, 2014

SO Confused about Ford Expedition Tow Capacity - HELP!!!

We just can't seem to get a straight, clear answer about the towing capacity of our Ford Expedition. We would really like to ere on the side of caution and are worried that we're reading something incorrect. The owner's manuals are just confusing us and I feel so stupid!
Can someone please help us?

I have this information from the ID tag in my car:
Ford Expedition XLT Triton
Year: 2001
GVWR: 6700 lbs
Tires: 16L
Axle ratio: 3.31
Engine: 5.4L

On my bumper, it says:
Max Tongue Load: 400 lbs
Max Gross Trailer Weight: 4000 lbs

At this owner's manual link, it says that the GCWR is 5,443 lbs.

What does all of this mean?
  • Among all these number is the extreme caution to allow yourself about 1000# in the weight you CAN tow/carry and what you find in the GVWR rating of a trailer. You need room to spare for those times you may carry more water, pack heavier than you normally would or anything else that comes up. There is also a percentage to use as a guide and I seem to remember it being 80% of the GVWR, but as usual memory fails me and this may not be totally accurate. In any event, if your truck has the capability to safely tow 7000#, don't go out looking for a trailer that weighs 6700#....stop when you get to 6000#.
  • sarahbyu1 wrote:
    You're all so fabulous. Thank you!

    It does NOT have the HD towing package.

    It has a receiver that says the GTW is up to 5000 lbs.

    Is that the end of the story? 5000 pounds?

    No that is not correct.
    Its simple
    On your drivers door post there should be a sticker
    The sticker will have tire size, air pressure and weight info.
    Under the weight info it will give a couple of sets of numbers;letters
    The two your interested in are:
    1/ gross vehicle weight(GVWR). meaning the actual manufactures weight of vehicle.
    2/ Gross combination weight)GVCWR), meaning the vehicle weight loaded with persons, fuel, and any towed vehicles
    Now for alittle math:
    Subract the GCVWR //your camper weight from
    Your GVGW (also found on the title,and registration)


    TV weight without persons, fuel or traile (GVWR) 3850 lbs.
    TV Maxiunm allowed weight (with trailer) (GCVWR) 6750 lbs.*
    What your max weight capability is 2900 lbs.**

    * Includes people, belongings, fuel, your camper fully loaded, including propane water, and all the rest.
    above is an example only, not knowing your TV or what your looking to pull. Each vehicle depending on the manufactures options will have varying abilities.
    ** The amount of weight that you can add to the TV and drive it safely without overloading.
    Another method is to contact the TV dealer and give them the vin number and they will be able to also tell you.

    Hope its helps with understanding the DOT rating mandated on most late model door post
  • sarahbyu1 wrote:
    You're all so fabulous. Thank you!

    It does NOT have the HD towing package.

    It has a receiver that says the GTW is up to 5000 lbs.

    Is that the end of the story? 5000 pounds?
    Again, you've misread the information. The receiver should be stamped and I would bet it is stamped "500 lbs.". Now that this is sorted, disregard that, also. If you will be using a weight distributing hitch (highly advised), your vehicle's receiver is rated for 810 lbs.
  • You're all so fabulous. Thank you!

    It does NOT have the HD towing package.

    It has a receiver that says the GTW is up to 5000 lbs.

    Is that the end of the story? 5000 pounds?
  • It will depend on how the Expedition is optioned. We need more info. It would be extremely helpful if we knew the curb weight (to determine payload), if the vehicle is equipped with the HD towing pkg, and what the receiver (if equipped) shows is the max tongue weight with WD.
  • The payload stickers started for 2006. Tow rating should be in the 6000-7500 pound range if you have the HD towing package. Does it have a 2" receiver or just bumper hole?
  • 2001 Ford Towing Guide

    You read the weight table incorrectly, the GCWR is listed in Kg, inside the parentheses is listed lbs.. Now that that is settled, disregard it totally.

    Unless you have a hitch receiver, the limit on the bumper is 4000 lbs.. I wouldn't try it.

    What ultimately limits any vehicle for RV towing is the Payload. You may have a sticker on the driver's side door jamb that lists "All cargo and passengers not to exceed _____ lbs". That is your payload capacity. The tongue weight of the trailer and all cargo shouldn't exceed the payload rating.