By the way, you did ask about the "Best" solar system.
I saw one RV built on a 3 axle International chassis, and it had 16 each 200 watt solar panels on the roof. No A/C up there, or any roof vents, just solar panels.
That is the largest possible solar system you could put on a RV, and still keep the solar panels within the maximum 40' long and 8.5' wide roof system. They have the ability to carry over 300 pounds of batteries, and did. They also had a larger than average inverter to run the A/C unit and other 120 volt stuff inside the RV.
Even while in England, with it's much less than sunny conditions, they had great battery power, and could not plug into the local 220 volt RV park power systems to recharge or run the microwave and other appliances on board. So they relied on their solar system a lot while driving through Europe.