without more info regarding their weights, pressures etc., it's difficult to make an educated suggestion.
I am looking to replace our OE tires before heading out west again. I went to the tire store and spoke with a tech yesterday and have decided upon Carlisle Radial Trail RH LRD
I have a fairly light trailer and I'm stepping up to 225s so that will give me more capacity in itself, but stepping up to LRD is even more.
In my case, he feels I don't need to go up to the newer 225/75r HD which are LRE, in which the pressure is 80#. If these folks wheels would hold that pressure that would be my suggestion if the weights are in line.
This guy is a tire salesman, but he said the Carlisle RH & the HD lines are the best trailer tires he's seen in 15 years he's been in the bidness. I guess time will tell.
My first thought would be that these folks have overloaded the TT, or run the tires low on air, but that's just a guess.