hedgehopper wrote:
Is there something I should add to the fuel tank to prevent deterioration of the fuel?
As others have mentioned, the primary thing to be concerned about with long-term storage of diesel fuel is algae growth. If I were storing my truck for an extended period of time I would add an anti-microbial like
BioKleen from Power Service. I used to own a sailboat which was docked in San Francisco Bay. The same fuel was in the tank for years and years. I had frequent (very frustrating!) problems with algae clogging the fuel filter, causing the engine to quit… typically at times when I needed it the most :E Draining/re-filling the tank (plus several filter changes) and adding a biocide resolved the issue.
FWIW, I have been using
Power Service Diesel Kleen in every tank for the past several years in hopes of extending the service life of my injectors… only time will tell if it was worth the investment.