bjbear wrote:
I have asked this question before without any result, but I will ask it again. Has anyone here personally had an insurance company disallow thier claim specifically because they were over weight?? Has anyone been sued on the basis that they were over wieght??
And I mean personally, not just heard about someone...or read somewhere.....or saw on the internet.
Do you notice how quite it got? You can her the crickets chirping away and the coyotes howling in the background and not another sound. :B
I have never seen anybody post anything anywhere, here or other forums I'm on about this happening to themselves/anyone else.
I know that BC has laws on the books about GVWR but I have only heard of one person getting pulled over by the RCMP and he had to leave the rig there till he had a vehicle designed to pull his 5er. This is someone I personally know and not a friend of friend. He did not get a ticket, There was more to it than just overloaded. He had a 3/4 Ford and was pulling a big King of the Road 5er. I know KOR were heavy as I had a 32' and it was about 15000# empty and he was pulling a 40'. Anyway what got him pulled over was he was having trouble staying in his lane so the RCMP pulled him over to see if he was drunk. He was not drinking (at this time of day anyway) so the officer continued to see why it was not handling right and this when he discovered that the truck was grossly overloaded (plus the rear was sagging pretty bad, I had seen the truck hooked up to the 5er before and it looked like it was almost sitting on it bump stops). The officer made him park it in a safe location till he had a bigger truck to pull it with. This fellow was from BC also.