Haloo wrote:
...The unnerving thing is the quick dip to one side before the helper springs appear to come into play.
I can sorta' empathize... If the helper springs do not engage until the conditions present it as you describe then yes, it could be unnerving. When I installed my mods, the springs were engaged right away when the camper was loaded thus it did not have the situation that you describe... I did not have to wait for them to do the intended work. There was the usable stiffness of the spring sooner.
If there is space that is needed to be taken up before the springs do work then only weight or weight transfer (turning) will activate them.
Not trying to talk you into my method, but perhaps closer analysis need to be undertaken. You may still have a similar situation even when your parts come in.
It was not only about right height, that was an added benefit for my situation.
Haloo wrote:
Would airbags fill the gap, so to speak?
I don't envision bags as a stop-gap... seems costly to only remove later. I read of folks who in many cases are not happy with them.
Am not too familiar with Sumo Springs, but think those may not be all that expensive. Are they similar to Timbrens?