Perrysburg Dodgeboy wrote:
***The 4/7 rear trailer plug***
I did not say the word "brake".
And here's the deal- the current 'blank' is snapped into the bumper,
not a bracket (where the factory plug would be if the vehicle had a trailer package).
What is kind of irritating is that I poured over your link (
and many others like it and see
no language, at all, whatsoever that states it will snap into the existing slot in the bumper.
And not mad at you, but yeah, a tad mad at the world that sometimes it is
so hard to get a simple, straight answer...
Either this thing fits into the existing slot, or it doesn't...
I see some pictures that hint that- but I clicked to get a closer look at the pics and the link went elsewhere- so also grumbly with the web-design world.
Your link wrote:
Socket connects to your Chevrolet Silverado 1500's OEM wiring system and mounts with included bracket.
There it is right there above- the picture hints that I don't need the bracket, but the language says I which is it?
Anyway- thanks for the discussion- I admit that sometimes folks are too hasty to post without doing much this case I have done a lot of searching and keep getting weak information from the web (and GM for that matter). Sometimes, on a crazy discussion forum (said lovingly) you can find others who have faced the same thing of fighting for 'secret information' and had success.
There may yet be something somewhere at, but back to the threat's seems to be some sort of secret to know if this will TRULY snap into the bumper...(The "un-needed" mounting bracket makes me very suspicious)