labren wrote:
It would be great to hear from those that would have experience with the tail gait that has been cut down the centre to a "V" for 5th wheel towing. I guess the question is, is this really a big advantage. When ordering a new truck they have a backup cam options etc....and it seems a little strange to take the factory tailgate off and never use it again. Your thoughts on this would be appreciated, thanks.
Don't know about security for the newer factory TGs, but the older ones are/were an easy mark for thieves.
Gone in 20 seconds, easy to fence, high demand.
"V" gate = no need to lower TG to hitch up.
"V" gate = no big deal if *you* are taking it off and drop a corner on the concrete.
Damage the "V" gate - as above - or some other way, get another from Northern Tool for about $200.
Or - get ready for sticker shock! - Check the price of a replacement factory TG (and painting to match) .......and what (how much) will your ins cover for damage or theft (deductible?).
For me a "V" gate was an easy decision..:C