ardvark wrote:
Two thumbs down on the whole idea, not because you can't do it, but can you see it through to completion? I can not tell you how many part-way done projects I have seen during my years working as an RV technician. Projects like this have a way of getting old long before they are done. Things just get in the way of long term projects for most of us.
Sorry, just my two cents. :)
Yeah, I know and have seen tens of those projects going down.
But I am 1 of few who get things done in my life.
Managed to single-handed build million dollar house in CA, so such conversion is peanuts and I have no problem to spend 6 months or 2 years on it.
Did some research and those vans come with 12 seats, what is low and short van, or 15 seats, what is longer and taller van.
Life is always compromise, so the smaller model would be mainly for faster travels, with minimal RV conversion, the bigger would make more RV.
The issue is that smaller van is rated for 40 mpg highway, the bigger 25 mpg.
I have the same engine in my sedan and 60 mpg @ 60 mph is normal thing, so we are talking real expectations here.
What would you guys value higher? Comfort or mpg?