Kayteg1 wrote:
We love our 2 campers, but our sons spread around the country and taking 3 days trip with dogs in the car brings some troubles, while driving truck/camper cost lot of fuel for short visits.
On other hand I drive Mercedes cars for decades and am fascinated with Sprinter vans, who with 4-cylinder diesel deliver 25 mpg.
Was researching the "sport vans" conversion, but even several years old can cost 80 grands, so that is out of question.
On other hand I can buy high-mileage van for less than $20k.
So my thinking is that my Lance camper, turning 19 years shows outside age, it still has good interior. It's market value is pretty low.
So buying Sprinter van, I can use Lance interior and slide to make new RV.
I see 2 option.
1.The extended Sprinter would make sport van, where I would have to put cassette toilet and shower is out of question.
Good part I can make it stealth RV with side window only on driver side. I would have to measure if transferring 6' slide is even possible.

2. get cargo van, who is heavier, but also bigger and with dually I can make full-blown ClassC out of it. Bad part- those come with less efficient V6 engines (not much difference in HP) and forget about stealth camping. Also putting something like it on family driveway might raise a brow.
I see Avon owners going into quite extremes to make desirable RV, so that would be something in the same magnitude.
I have qualifications for the project and even I am still busy on my retirement, the time potential is here.

Are you insane? Just stop. If you want to build RVs... go get a job at one of the many factories. Maybe you could improve the process and quality for the rest of us when you make supervisor.
Otherwise find something used for less money than the pictures ready to go out and have some fun.