Forum Discussion

jjuteau's avatar
Jul 23, 2013

Tank Leak HELP!

New to forum, new to camping, new to everything! My name is jesse and i just bought a 33 foot innsbruck 1999. Ive been testing everything out, and fixing some minor things. Today i was filling the black tank with a hose just to make sure it was all ok, i wasnt checking the gauges because i figured i would be able to see the water comming up the pipe. when i did see the water comming up i stopped, and went out side to drain it, when i went out side and looked under trailer there was water pouring down from the side of the tank(seemed as if it was comming from the top of the tank)(ALSO i didnt fill right up to the toilet the water was still a foot down in the pipe) when i let a little out at the valve the water stopped leaking from the top of the tank. Please tell me if this is a big deal or not a big deal, should i not worry about this since i am never going to the fill the tank that much again? Or do i have to fix somthing, i have not found any forums with this exact problem! HELP A NEWB!
  • i could be wrong here, but any leakage from the black tank cant be good. if the top isnt sealed you will have sewer gas leaking there instead of venting through the vent.

    i just got started this year with our first camper and discovered a similar problem when i tested out tanks. our grey water tank had a couple holes in the side of it.

    ( note to self...dont buy a camper in the dead of winter when you cant thoroughly inspect it for yourself....)

    anyway, i found a simple to use product that allowed me to patch the holes. way easier than replacing the tank and much cheaper. the product is called Plasti-mend, worked great! if you have even basic home repair skills this should be easy for you.
  • WOW on the fast replys, thanks guys, if it was from the vent is there a possibility the water would of done any damage or do you think it woulda just ran out?
  • I had a small leak at a joint on my grey water drain pipe. Left it dry real well then sprayed Rust-oleum LeakSeal (Flexible Rubber Coating)on the joint - No more leak. If you know the general area where it was leaking, you could try the same thing, but make sure the area is dry.
  • It could be coming from the vent connection in the top of the tank. I would be concerned but would not worry too much about because one would never fill the black tank that full.