Wheelholder wrote:
Reddog, I have tried to come up with a way to put sides on my awning. The way the arms attach to the awning and then the truck, I have not been able to come up with an acceptable method.
I have seen awnings with screens attached, but although I was interested, it was not enough to bookmark where I saw them.
Wheelholder wrote:
Not being too thin skinned (I dont think), but I did not see where I said " you get what you pay for". Perhaps this was directed somewhere else and I misunderstood .
I will have to go back and re-read the post, to see specifically who I was referring to, if anyone. I think it was a general comment, when considering an expensive or less expensive Canopy. Generally speaking, I think the the statement "you get what you pay for" is silly at best. It implies if the price is raised, you get a better product. In my life's experience, a higher price does not necessarily mean a higher quality product.
Wheelholder wrote:
Not sure of our name brand. We looked into putting a waterproofing application on it, but have not as of this time. We have seen a couple more that stated they were waterproof. We just keep learning as we go.
Personally, I question adding waterproofing. How long would it last, and would it be as cost effective as buying a new Canopy that is water proof?
All of us "keep learning as we go", I think a good thing. If not, maybe we should give deep thought as to why we do not.
Wheelholder wrote:
The awning is quicker for me than the shelter. Wife does not really help, so I am on my own.
No doubt, you have a special need, which must be considered. Just because a Canopy works for me, does not mean it works for everyone. The hardest part to putting up a Canopy is stretching it out. It would like to have two or more people, but I have done it myself.
Wheelholder wrote:
Everything is good. No hard feelings.
I sure hope there are no hard feelings, certainly not intended by me, and I have none. This stuff is so much easier to discuss around a campfire.