It sounds like you didn't get the right TC. I had a pop-up and agree that tucking in the top is a royal pain. I now have a hardside TC and don't have to worry about that. As for small, how big is it? They do make 11' TC with 3 slides. Comparing a toyhauler to an 8' pop-up TC is hardly a fair comparison.
I'm not sure what jack system you have. Do you have 3 or 4 jacks? My 11' TC weighs about 4,000 pounds. I can unload it in about 15 minutes. The 4 jacks are electric and controlled by a wireless remote. It's real easy to walk around the camper to watch things while lowering and leveling with 1 hand.
If I had still had my old pop-up TC with only 3 jacks and hand cranks I would go nuts for sure.