Grit dog wrote:
Durb wrote:
It sounds like you sold your old truck too cheap unless it had a kajillion miles on it or was rusted out. I think I could get that for my 2004.5 which is about what I paid 9 years ago.
PA is a long ways from WA. Market is strong for sales everywhere, thanks to....nevermind, not going there, lol.
But the PNW and some other areas are even higher. Unlike PA and other economically depressed and much lower cost of living states.
But that's still alot of money. Diesels retain value well, but a Ram unless a G56 trans from 07.5 is less valuable overall than any comparable 5.9 3rd Gen, unless it's deleted. So I'd say he got very good money for the truck and the location.
But your right, a cherry condition, sub 150k mile 6.7 4x4 quad cab would fetch a bit more out here.
Diesel or gas it's all relative in a local market. As far as diesel when you pay $10K-$12K more on the front end just for the diesel why would you not get back some/most of it back on the backend?
A lot of the used diesel pickup market around here is also affected by the 20 something macho boys who have to have a big ole loud diesel, with a tailpipe as big as a joint compound bucket, typically a Cummins/Ram, and they'll pay top dollar for it even if it's a POS with 300K miles.
They are adding what they call "market adjustment" to MSRP. Around here it's a minimum of $5K. At the same time most still make every attempt to lowball you on a trade. They want market for the new but do not want to give you market on the trade. And taking into account no one has any most even want that market adjustment were you to order from the factory. They get a limited allotment of X from the manufacturer and they know they can get the market adjustment from someone if you're not interested. Some may even order one with your name on it with a deposit, then sell it to a higher bidder when it arrives and refund your deposit. The best deal you have gotten is probably already in your driveway.
I expect the whole new vehicle house of cards will come crashing down to reality soon. It may be fun to watch.