Forum Discussion

grizz272's avatar
Jun 17, 2013

The trials of a nw camper.

Well we went on the second trip with the new camper. The Wife open a cabinet and a box of donuts holes attack her. Hit her in the chest and broke open and dumped on the floor. Of course the loving husband I am I laughed my head off. After picking up the donut holes we opened the bath room and found all the towels on the floor. A modification is do for that cabinet. The last problem is a water problem. We have camped for 11 yrs with a 30gl fresh water tank and never had a problem. Our new camper is suppose to have a 36gl tank. We have ran out of water both times. I intend to put water in to the tank a gallon at a time just to verify we have a 36gl tank.
  • one gallon milk jug and watch, second hand= How long to fill jug with hose on
  • Bradnailer....But would you have liked cleaning up after the Lab, seems to me that could be pretty messy!
  • You don't know Labs, they would lick all the crumbs up and ask for more.

    My wife has used Velcro some of the cabinet doors.
  • never had trouble with cabinet doors opening....except going south on I-65 through Birmingham....THE worst!!! Invested in a package of small bungys at Harbor Freight and used them on the two that opened. Never need them unless Birmingham was on the route. Also the frig....get a couple of those rods that are supposed to keep everything in place. Maybe. Part of my job was the inside stuff and I knew to open the frig very slowly and be ready for falling objects. DH didn't know that part, but he does now. Where is the dog when you need him?