Forum Discussion

mfoster711's avatar
Explorer II
Jun 28, 2014

Tight turns with Equal-l-zer

Just picked up my new travel trailer yesterday and I got the Eaz lift weight distribution hitch with sway control with it. During the walk through setup they explained that if I need to make any tight turns while backing up that I need to remove the sway bar or it would snap the sway ball off. Well I don't want to worry about this and I would probably forget the one time it might happen.

So is this in any way an issue with the Equal-i-zer hitch?

Edit: Yes, I am talking about buying the Eqaul-i-zer brand hitch. I would have bought from dealer but their price too high.
  • I jackknife my trailer into my driveway, very tight quarters, and it works just fine with my Equalizer brand w/d hitch. No issues at all, except the normal groaning of the hitch.
  • Tvov's avatar
    Explorer II
    krobbe wrote:
    Not an issue backing up with an Equal-i-zer. It works well towing my 33ft Bullet.
    I'm assuming you're going to replace your current hitch with an Equal-i-zer brand?

    Ohhh... the original poster is taking about getting an Equal-i-zer, and asking about it. I need more coffee I guess!
  • Tvov's avatar
    Explorer II
    My hitch has the basic anti-sway friction bar, and you can make very tight turns with it while normal towing. The thing to watch out for is when you "jack knife" the trailer, sometimes happens when you are backing into a campsite or maybe backing out of a parking area. Rarely happens when towing the trailer forward.

    What I do is when I arrive at a campground, before I go into the office to check in, I take the anti-sway bar off and put it into the back of the truck (I also take off the weight distributing bars at this time). This way I just don't have to worry about it when I get to the campsite.
  • Not an issue backing up with an Equal-i-zer. It works well towing my 33ft Bullet.
    I'm assuming you're going to replace your current hitch with an Equal-i-zer brand?
  • Same confusion as there often is:

    Equal-i-zer Brand Hitch
    Equalizer (name given to any number of generic weight distribution hitches)

    OP said he has a friction bar, thus he does not have an Equal-i zer hitch.

    Answer: yes, remove the friction bar if you are making a tight turn back up.