Forum Discussion

Farm_Camp's avatar
Jun 18, 2015

Tire change/change and repair in the Gatlinburg area?

Oops! Just pulled into Gatlinburg this evening for a unplanned couple of days visit to the area on our way home from Disney. No issues towing today... But tonight I went out to drain our grey tank and see that I have a flat tire...

Thank the towing gods it didn't give up the ghost while I was coming across the mountains at least. All I can figure is that I must have picked up a nail or something, can see no visible issue with the tire, except for lack of air.

I'll try to pump it back up in the daylight, but thinking I likely need a repair/replacement. Anybody know of a good local place used to dealing with campers?

  • I do not, right off hand. However, I would check with your campground and see who they suggest. I would also suggest picking up a tire pressure monitoring system for your future travels. You would have been alerted of the tire dropping pressure. There are several mobile rv repair shops in area.

    The tire needs to be looked at VERY carefully by a professional. Broken down off the rim and checked for damage/tread separation. If it ran at low pressure for very long, it could be a time bomb ready to go off.

    To be safe, I'd definitely replace it. I'd also air it up and then see how quick it is losing pressure. That can help give you an idea of whether it might be damaged or not.

    Might be best to throw the spare on, and then buy a new spare.