colliehauler wrote:
Ivylog wrote:
How much are the over width and over length permits going to cost plus the escort vehicles? Pay the $600. :S
X2 plus the possible damage to your truck. But hey it's your truck and won't cost me or anyone else on the forum a dime.
I just went out and looked at my 1 ton Ford class 5 hitch the sticker says 600 lbs without W/D and 1250 lbs with W/D. tongue weight. Yours should have the same sticker as well.
Permits and escort vehicles won't be necessary. I realize the sticker is going to have a number on it, I'm more interested in how much weight the hitch can take.
Cummins12V98 wrote:
Ya just don't want to end up looking like this guy that had just a bit too much hitch weight!

It is more likely that he didn't have enough hitch weight, but your right I don't want to end up like I figured I would ask rather than just blindly hook up and go. I'm starting to hear from others on a farming forum that pull the exact same piece of equipment with similar trucks and claim it tows very nice.