It would help or relieve stress on you if the person sitting in the right hand seat is good with a GPS. Either a stand alone unit or on their phone to help you with directions in the morning and at night in the dark. There's nothing like being lost in the dark when tired. We've found it good to have both a phone GPS and the Garmin in case one of them is wrong - it happens.
Also you might call the RV parks and see how they handle check in and check outs after hours. Most of their offices aren't open after 6:00PM. Some will just have a note on the door telling you to park in any open space. You never know. Then they'll want you to check in at the office after they open at 8:00 or 9:00AM. For most of the RV parks you'll be parking after they're closed and you'll want to be gone before they open in the morning. Sometime after lunch each day, call the next RV park and see how they want to handle it and what space the want you to park in.
Another reason to call them is to check how to get to the park. Yes, you'll have a GPS, but due to road construction, temporary reroutes are often necessary and often confusing. We never would have figured out how to get into the Prince of Tucson RV park without calling them. Their off ramp was completely blocked off, the frontage road on one side of the freeway was blocked half way down (with no place to turn a 40' MH and toad around in)and the frontage road on the other side was confusing with all of the barricades. I don't know if we would have found the place without specific directions from them.
Use the Gas Buddy app for your fuel. The navigator can also use Google sky view to see what the gas stations are like - will they have enough room for you? Way out on some of the roads with less traffic, you might let the other half have some driving practice so they can spell you when needed.
Yes, I think you're being too structured in your reservations for that time of year. There are truck stops, truck fuel stops, public rest stops, WalMarts, etc to use for brief (4 - 8 hours) stops to sleep at. Again go to your Apps and look for rest stops, rest areas, truck stops, mypilot, RV dump, sani dump. Sometime around 3:00PM when you have an idea of where you want to stop for the night, the navigator can find an RV park in that area and give them a call.