I did the same type of thing a couple of years ago. What I did was I left at 3 a.m. in the morining. Wife and kids would sleep in the car until 11 ish. Then we would stop for 30 - 45 min for breakfast and continue on until 3 p.m when we would stop for the day. We never unhooked the camper, just plugged in. From 3 in the afternoon to whenever the wife and kids would go swimming, playing tennis, volleyball, or whatever. I would usually go to bed about 8, wife and kdis stayed up until 11 or 12. At 3 a.m. we would jump in the car and go. wife and kids slept, I drove. We could easily cover 500 or 600 miles in a day depending on type of roads. One day we drove 641 miles in 12 hours. I will tell you though. After 3 days of this, you really will need a break and should take at least a day off. I wouldn't do it for more than 3 days out of 5.