When we go to Colorado on vacation, our first leg of the trip is roughly 540 miles. We are exhausted by the time we get to stop but we have been stopping in the same town on the first night of vacation for about 15 years (way before our RV time) and I guess it is just what we have come accustomed to. We do this because we plan only one overnight stop on the way to our destination so that we can have more time enjoying our stay in the mountains and arrive at a decent time without having to leave at daylight on day 2. It works for us. Going that far makes day 2 travel for us only about 5 hrs. We sleep in (not late, just set no alarm...after all we are on vacation :D), fix/eat breakfast, clean up, get dressed and hit the road by 10am. Depending on our stops along the way, this puts us arriving at our destination about 3pm. I am not sure we could enjoy driving that far several days in a row however, I understand that sometimes you do what you can to get more time at your destination. We do differently on the way home and usually drive about equal distance both days instead of pushing so far on the first leg. This is because we are usually in no hurry to return to reality. Lol