We have taken one long trip every summer for the last 4 years. It is not uncommon for us to drive 500 miles in a day. This years plans for our yellowstone trip are from San Antonio Texas area to Yellowstone in three days.
Our first day of travel will be strictly driving to get there 550 miles. We will have lunch in the camper at a fuel station. Dinner will be at campground pre- prepared and hit the bed as early as possible. The second days plan is to get up early and leave by 6:00 to get to Fort Collins by early afternoon. This will allow us sometime to explore and take a break from the road it is somewhere around 400 miles. We will eat out that evening and find a park or some kind of entertainment for or daughter to stretch her legs a bit. Day three will be another early get up and long day on the road approximately 600 miles. It will be hard the last day but we should roll into Yellowstone before dark.
This is our way of spending as much time in yellowstone as possible. this will likely be the one and only time we make this trip with our daughter and are really looking forward to our time there. We have made other trips with stops along the way to take breaks from driving with a visit to a park for a day in route to our destination. This just isn't one of those trips so we will drive to get there.
I do all of the driving and my wife and daughter are generally good passengers. I do enjoy driving although after 10 hrs or so it gets to be a pain. I guess what I'm getting at is every trip is different some will require long drives and some wont. For us it all depends on the old work schedule and how far we want/need to go.
Good luck with your trip! Stay safe and enjoy the road!