As people age there is general agreement that life seems to speed up. Days run together and months pass quickly.
To an extent, this feeling can be attributed to the tacit acknowledgement that there are fewer years remaining to accomplish all of those goals and objectives that we set for ourselves in our youth. Bonnie Raitt captured the sentiment well in her lyric, "Life becomes more precious when there is less of it to waste."
A more cerebral explanation is that as we age we have fewer "brand new" experiences than we did when we were young. I can vividly recall each of the months that I spent in the Marine Corps in the late 1960s. I have crystal clear, easily visualized, recollections of going to school and starting a family. During that facet of my life nearly every day brought something new.
Ask me what I was doing in April of 1981 or February of 1989 or all of 1993 and the images become more occluded.
Look at it this way, OP, years from now, however this adventure unfolds, you are very likely to look back and laugh heartily as you and your family recall the "crazy" first long distance trip you ever took in an RV.
"What were we thinking?", someone will enjoin. And you will fondly remember, with crystal clarity, the summer of 2014.
Cheers, my friend. If I sound a bit envious, perhaps it is not coincidental.