Forum Discussion

gitpicker2009's avatar
Mar 04, 2016

Torklift Glow steps, issues and questions

First of all let me say that I've been very impressed with Torklift and have even posted here telling folks how they replaced my stabil loads no questions asked when the crumbled.

However, I recently ran into some issues with their glow steps and wanted to see if anyone else has had the same problems and how they dealt with it.

I received my 4 step model aluminum glow steps and after watching the installation video on their site, and reading the included directions, I drilled 4 holes in the center of the bumper of my AF1150.

After "fishing" the bolts through (using the including "fish wire") I realized that there is NO way to keep the bolts from spinning when you tighten the nut. It's impossible to reach from the end opening of the bumper to hold the bolt. (they are inside the bumper, coming out towards the rear) So, I removed all the bolts and went and bought some self tightening "star" type washers, no problem, but annoying.

THEN I find that you CANNOT lift the steps "up" onto the bumper for storing while traveling, like you can with the AF1150 single step.

I called Torklift and they recommended instead drilling the holes near the TOP of the bumper. I could have used that info before drilling four 1/2 inch holes in the center of my bumper.

Then I decided to check whether it would work, if I followed their instructions, before drilling 4 new holes. It will NOT. Even if I bolt the step at the very top edge of the bumper, you can't "store" the steps on top of the bumper.

I called Torklift, and they said they could "hang" behind and beneath the bumper. There's a thin wire with a loop, but there's no way I'm going to drive down the highway with these steps hanging behind me. If the wire breaks or the loop pops off the steps would be dragging on the ground in no time.

I called back to Torklift and they said I can take the steps off and transport them somewhere else, thus necessitating removal and re installation every time I want to drive. Plus storing a set of 4 folded aluminum scissor steps is not going to happen, they sure won't fit in any of my TC storage bins, and I don't want them bouncing around in the coach.

So far, this has been a bit of a disappointment. Have any of you guys installed these on Arctic Fox campers, and if so, how did you resolve these issues?

Thanks as always
  • My steps are installed just under the door threshold. If you use 4 steps or less, they would ride on the top of the bumper and the door could still me accessed without pulling down the steps. Once you get to 5 steps, they sit fit on top of the bumper, but must be deployed to open the door. I always carried my steps in the camper and never left them outside when traveling. Both the 6" and 8" tread steps will fit under the slide out when retracted in if you leave them right inside the doorway.

    Because of my new truck height, I now use 7 steps to the door. Once I carry the GlowSteps out of the camper, I stretch the steps out on the ground before connecting the upper pins and extending the GlowGuide.

    I still use the OEM step in the far right mounting location and can leave that down even when towing with my configuration. This is the step I use if just needing some quick in the camper or when carrying the GlowSteps in or out of the camper.
  • Not on an AF, but I have done it two ways. On my BF9.6 I fabricated a mount that allowed flipping the steps over onto the bumper/top step. On my BF10.4 I fabricated a small shelf for them to sit on in the folded position, described here. In both cases I put a velcro safety strap on them before heading down the highway, but I have forgotten a couple of times without a problem.

    My opinion is that you do not want to hang folding scissor steps on the hooks that are often seen and remove them every time you drive. It is inconvenient, but also the steps will not be nearly as stable in use, because the top attachment allows a lot of motion.

    Do you have pictures of the bumper?