'tiredTeacher wrote:
DownTheAvenue wrote:
... skills involved in driving any vehicle are not gender related. Any person can drive any vehicle provided they have the desire.
As evidenced by all the women long-haul truckers.
Amen, amen, and amen.
It frankly scares me to see couples where the wife is terrified to drive the rig. I can't imagine what she'd do if something happened to her husband and she was left to tow everything home. The stress of having to deal with a disabled (or worse) husband would be stressful enough. Add to that not knowing how to hitch up or tow would just make matters worse.
I find it rather demeaning that women are told today that they shouldn't worry about towing their trailer. And I get pretty exasperated with those who say they're afraid. Heck! They (most often) have birthed a baby! If they can do that, towing a trailer is a cakewalk!